Introduced as a first-year student at Tokyo Jujutsu High, she joins the school to become a jujutsu sorcerer and fight against curses threatening humanity. Miwa encounters Yuji Itadori during her time at Jujutsu High. Initially, she is skeptical of Yuji’s abilities and affiliation with the cursed Sukuna, but she eventually sees him as an ally. Kasumi participates in various missions assigned by Jujutsu High to exorcise curses and protect civilians from supernatural threats. Though she is still a relatively new student, she demonstrates courage and determination in the face of danger.
She faces numerous challenges and battles against powerful curses alongside her classmates and seniors at Jujutsu High. These encounters test her abilities and help her grow as a sorcerer. Miwa likely plays a role during the Shibuya Incident arc, a major conflict in the series where jujutsu sorcerers face off against powerful curses unleashed in Shibuya. While her specific actions during this arc may not be highlighted, it’s reasonable to assume that she contributes to the efforts to protect innocent lives and defeat the enemy.
Embodying Kasumi Miwa: Tips for Portraying Her Kind and Hardworking Nature
As a jujutsu sorcerer, Miwa can manipulate cursed energy, which is the supernatural energy used to exorcise curses and perform jujutsu techniques. She is proficient in the use of a sword as her primary weapon and wields a katana named ‘Playful Cloud’ which she uses in combat against curses. Like other jujutsu sorcerers, Miwa likely possesses the ability to sense cursed energy and detect the presence of curses and other supernatural entities.
- Dedicated to duty: She understands the importance of protecting humanity from curses and is willing to put herself in harm’s way to fulfill her duty.
- Plucky sorcerer: Despite facing dangerous situations and powerful adversaries, Miwa demonstrates courage and resilience in the face of adversity.
- Loyal towards allies: Kasumi values teamwork and cooperation, and she willingly supports her peers in battles against curses and other supernatural threats.
Crafting the Perfect Kasumi Miwa Costume: Step-by-Step Instructions
- Jujutsu High Uniform: Like other students at Jujutsu High, she wears the standard uniform of the school, which consists of a black, high-collared jacket with red trim and matching pants.
- Sword: A distinctive feature of Miwa’s attire is her katana, named ‘Playful Cloud’, which she carries in a scabbard attached to her waist.
- Combat Boots: Completing her ensemble, Kasumi sports black combat boots, which provide her with stability and support during battles.
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Her Most Memorable Words
“Hello! Useless Miwa here.”
“And I have two little brothers.”
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